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Scientific Research

You might not think that stuffed animals have anything to do with science, but we’re working to make sure that our cleaning cycle really works and how to make it better.


After the first year or so of doing “drop offs” and “adoption events” (find out what those are right here), StAR wanted to make sure that what we were giving out was truly as clean as the washer said it was. Through labs that we were generously given access to, we were able to start doing experiments on bacteria growth in collected, dirty stuffed animals and clean stuffed animals that gave us valuable information on what works with our cleaning process and what doesn’t. For you science people out there, we used agar plates to induce bacterial growth and compared the different models. Though the process still isn’t perfect, we’re constantly working at a way to make it better and cleaner than ever before. Exploring UV light and radiation, hotter washing methods, and sanitization are all ways that we’ll continue to bring people the cleanest stuffed animals we can.


To find out about the discoveries we make about our cleaning process as we discover them, subscribe to the blog today!

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