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National Program

This program is the heart of what we do, and the first section of StAR that began. Sending stuffed animals to nursing homes, women’s shelters and hospitals to spread love and hope right here on United States soil.


Before there were “projects” and “programs” here at StAR, this was the core of what our the charity did. Sending stuffed animals through our special cleaning process and giving them the means to spread all that they represent to many places across the United States. Beginning in September 2014 with our first “drop off”-where we bring a basket of stuffed animals to places in need- and “adoption event”- where we assist people in “adopting” a stuffed animal- we’ve been able to send our stuffed animals to a number of different areas across the US. This is arguably the most impactful for those who work to help StAR, because we get to see first hand how truly happy this makes people... and right in our own backyard!

Coming soon: United States map of where we’ve sent smiling stuffed animals too! Subscribe to the blog to find out when it’s launched!

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